Tenant's Rights and Responsibilities

The due date of rental payment is the fifth (5th) day of each month as defined in the rental agreement. The rent is to be paid according to the bank account transfer forms provided to the tenant. Indicating the reference number of the bill assures the quickest deliverance possible of the payment. A delayed rental payment will cause collection of interest on arrears from the tenant.

It is in the interest of the tenant and the housing company that each tenant takes care of his/her rental and other payments on time. Defaults and delays in payments will cause increases in other tenants' rental payments.

The company will engage in recovery actions due to rental payment defaults. Eviction and recovery judgments will be searched from the magistrate's court, and the cost of the procedure along with possible interest on arrears will be charged from the tenant. The judgment will be forwarded to the city bailiff to execute eviction and recovery procedures and the tenant will be charged with any costs these actions may cause as well.

The court proceedings may result in a payment default in the tenants’ credit information in addition to loss of flat.

If you have difficulties in paying the rent, please contact immediately the rent secretaries; p. (013) 337 7822, vuokravalvonta@joensuunelli.fi. They will try to find a solution to the situation with you and prevent it from becoming a problem.

The tenant must take good care of the flat.

Each flat is equipped with "Instructions of Use" distributed by the housing company. If there are no such instructions in your flat, please contact the house management office to be delivered the instructions.

A written permission must be requested from Joensuun Kodit Oy or a technical building manager to do any repairs or alteration works in the flat.

The tenant is responsible of notifying the house maintenance of any damages or faulties to the flat immediately, such as oozing leaks, water leaks or malfunctioning electric appliances. This is to avoid any greater damage. If the house maintenance company does not react to the notification, please contact the house management office.

It should be noted that the tenant may be liable to cover the damages if he/she has caused them to the flat or structures of the real-estate by his/her own carelessness.

The company has insured the building and any closely connected fixed structures. However, the tenants' belongings are not covered by the company's real-estate insurance and should be insured with the tenant's privately acquired home insurance instead.

The tenant is responsible for acquiring a fire detector and any service operations and battery changes.